Backup nonperishables are key, and you need to get what you would normally like to eat. Upon an extended power outage, your fridge and freezer items will need to be used first. Then, fall back to your nonperishable canned and bagged foods next. But, starting your storage area will be key. As you add to your pantry, it takes up more and more space. There are dispensers that can help stack more product. Very handy to have this organization. But, don't let that stop you from getting backup pantry items. You need to get foods you will normally like to eat before you purchase "survival food." Most "SF" doesn't include meat proteins and have a lot of starches. If you are diabetic, you really have to shop to your needs. But, I like the BUY TWO rule. Next time you shop, replace with 2 instead of just 1. Then when you use 1, replace again with 2, until you reach the depth you want in your "working pantry."